Acabei de assistir à entrevista que Kenneth Walker concedeu a Gayle King e foi ao ar hoje de manhã no canal de TV CBS. Kenneth Walker era o namorado de Breanna Taylor, que ficou internacionalmente famosa após a morte pela saraivada de balas partidas dos revólveres dos policiais que invadiram a sua casa em Louisville, Kentuucky. Fiquei impressionada com a dignidade com a qual Walker relatou o pesadelo do qual ele nunca vai poder acordar.
I have just watched the interview that Kenneth Walker gave to Gayle King and aired this morning on CBS. Kenneth Walker was the boyfriend of Breanna Taylor, who became internationally known after she was murdered by a barrage of bullets from the guns of police officers who barged into her home in Louisville, KY. I was amazed at the dignity with which he recounted the nightmare from which he will never be able to wake up.